Session Times and Fees effective 1st Mar 20

Open 50 weeks a year 8am – 6pm, 5.30 on Fridays


Morning session, including breakfast


Morning session including breakfast and lunch


Afternoon session including tea


Afternoon session including lunch and tea


All day to include breakfast, lunch and tea

7.30am to 12 noon £24.50


7.30am to 1.30pm £30.50


2pm to 6pm £24.50


12 noon to 6pm £30.50


7.30am – 6pm £43.00

The Early Years Entitlement for three and four year olds, funded by Somerset County Council for those eligible is available for a set number of hours. 

If you wish to register your child you can find an application form within the Prospectus link on the right.  Alternatively, please contact us to discuss your requirements.


A copy of our policies and procedures are available on demand. These policies help us to ensure that we provide high quality care and that being a part of our Nursery is an enjoyable and beneficial experience for each child and their parents.

Click Here to view our full Prospectus